This following list features recent publications, sorted alphabetically by faculty name. Click each name for more publications and profile information, or visit the Faculty and Staff page for all profiles.

Tyler Fisher

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Mitologías urbanas, el fénix arrepentido, y otras sagas en miniatura. Barcelona: Rubeo, 2019. Edited with María Ruiz Ortiz.

“'Heirs of Poetry and Rain': Farzad Kamangar's Letter from Prison to His Students.” Barricade: A Journal of Antifascism and Translation 5 (2023): 99-115. With Haidar Khezri.

“Staff-Student Interviews for Better Feedback Literacy.” Educational Developments 20.4 (2019): 14-18. With J. Marie, N. Grindle, and B. Mills.

Martha García

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Cosmic Wit. Essays in Honor of Edward H. Friedman. Co-edited by Vicente Pérez de León, Martha García, and G. Cory Duclos. Newark: Cervantes & Co., Juan de la Cuesta, 2021. [March] ISBN 978-1-58871-346-9 [U.S.A./Europe]

De elementos pictográficos a signos ideográficos en la Comedia Nueva.” Confluencia 38.1 (Fall, 2022): 138-51.

"La riqueza del recurso forestal. La herencia cultural en Don Quijote." Anuario de Estudios Cervantinos  18 (2022): 131-43.

Alla Kourova

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Kourova, A.V. (2024). Journey through the Russian Language: A comprehensive Reading Textbook. (1st ed.). USA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Kourova, A. (November 2021). From Orlando to Russian Through Cultural Projects” CARTA Research Journal (Central Association Russian Teachers of America)

Kourova, A.& Mihai, F (May 2021). Fulbright Hays Group Project Abroad: Building Bridges through Language and Culture in Russia. Journal of the American Council of Teachers of Russian

Humberto López Cruz

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Tetrapalabra: cuatro ensayos sobre letras cubanas: Valencia: Aduana Vieja, 2020.

“Un acercamiento ecocrítico a Jardín, de Dulce María Loynaz.” Boletín de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española, BANLE 13-15.24-26 (2021-2023): 157-72.

“El protagonismo narrativo de Dulce María Loynaz en su Fe de vida.” Rassegna iberistica 46.120 (2023): 201-15. [Italy]

Chiara Mazzucchelli

Forthcoming “‘Welcome to The White Lotus in Sicily!’ L’isola nell’immaginario collettivo e la Sicilia di Mike White.” Italica

“Bedda: Il progetto siculo-americano e femminista di Gioia Timpanelli.” Campi Immaginabili I-II (2020): 390-402. 

“In Both Social Worlds at the Same Time: The Literature of Sicilian Americans.” Socioscapes: International Journal of Societies, Politics, and Cultures 1.1 (Winter 2019): 369-378. 

Florin M. Mihai

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Rosa-Lugo, L., Mihai, F.M., & Nutta, J.W. (2020). Language and literacy development: English learners with communication disorders, from theory to application(2nd ed.). USA: Plural Publishing.

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Forthcoming Bari, E. & Mihai, F.M. (2023). Translanguaging and second language acquisition: A brief look at the available evidence. Sunshine State TESOL Journal, 16(1), 5-12.

Allison L Milner

2021. Milner, Allison. El diptongo / hiato como rasgo contrastivo: un estudio perceptual con hablantes de herencia de español. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 14(2), 459-496. doi: 10.1515/shll-2021-2052.

Lisa Nalbone

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Negotiating Discursive Spaces: Censorship and Women’s Novels in Spain (1950s-1960s), Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, July 2023.

El niño biopolítico en el cuento ‘Rompecabezas’: Trauma y ansiedad política.” Coda a un centenario. Galdós, miradas y perspectivas, edited by Yolanda Arencibia and Rosa María Quintana, Cabildo de Gran Canaria, 2024, pp. 422-32.

Sandra Sousa

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Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida: Tecelã de mundos passados e presentes. Ed. & Introd. Sheila Khan & Sandra Sousa. Braga: UMinho editora, 2023.

The Africas in the World and the World in the Africas: African Literatures and Comparativism. Ed. & Introd. Sandra Sousa & Nazir Ahmed Can. Holden, MA: Quod Manet, 2022.

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Portugal Segundo os Estados Unidos da América. Dir. José Eduardo Franco e Fátima Vieira. Cord. Sofia Araújo. Lisboa: Theya Editores, 2021.